it's about naptime (huehuehue)

First and foremost, welcome to Naptime - I'm really glad to have you here for a visit! :) My site name originated because I love naps. LOL. That's really it. I've also been nicknamed 'the sleepy shaman' (because I main a shaman in WoW and I'm always tired, haha).

content you can expect

The purpose of my site is mainly a cozy lil' abode where I can shove all my interests into one comfy lil' space on this massive internet place and show them off to people that may be interested in learning more about who I am and how I (somehow) operate 'properly' (that's actually debatable, lmao). I've collected many things over the years on the web, such as gifted sigtags, blinkies, icons, and various little bits'N'bobs such as toybox pixels, pixel decor to dress up my web sites and make them look presentable and cute (to my liking, anyway), and maybe tossing in some useful resources for y'all to look through if you want to make a web site for yourself! Also, there are few more things I would like to make note of before you proceed to the remainder of my site:

• I go by the name Saren. I have used other aliases previous to this one, but I'd much rather prefer everyone use this one from here on out, please.

• Not all of my content on Naptime is "family friendly" - I swear a lot (I'm an adult and I do not care about watching my language on my own site). Please use discretion and internet smarts to make your decisions as far as browsing my web site and don't send your parents after me for saying the 'fuck' word. I'm 38 years old, I'll ground myself, thank you.

• I dig respecting other people's privacy, especially my own and my loved ones. Any names I mention - at all whatsoever - will be changed to protect their privacy and safety. No exceptions. I do not like to discuss my private/offline life on here, and I also will not be sharing my socials with anyone unless I feel comfortable.

• I share a lot of my favorite things, aka my 'special interests', and I will talk about them rather extensively (to say the least).

• There are mentions of mental health as well as autism because both are a huge part of my life and I want to be able to feel comfortable expressing myself on my site, rather than suppress it. It's healthy to recognize who and what you are, and I encourage everyone else to do the same, honestly ♡

Although I don't like telling people what to do, I would really appreciate if you read my rules/terms of use before proceeding to the rest of my site and/or using anything that I offer here in the "it's all you, bby" section. Thank you so much! ♡

site history

I have owned and maintained several web sites over the years. These are in no particular order.
OhSerendipity (recent blog site/collective - now closed)
Stardust Pixels
Treefort Pixels
Dreamcatcher Designs
Autumn Star
Sp3ctrum Graphics
Kandie Kid
Spellbound Designs

usefully useful

terms of uselink melinks outsite mapthank you's